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Growing On Vacation – With Easy2GO

Whether you’re going across the country or staying local this holiday season, you want to come back to thriving plants. AutoPot has exactly what you need to be worry-free during your time away – all power-free and without the need for running water, meaning you can leave them unattended for weeks.

Above: easy2GO allows you to use your own potted plants with AutoPot

While any of the AutoPot Watering Systems can be left alone for extended periods, how about something that turns what you already have into a watering system? Something really simple? Maybe you’ve got a great little selection of plants potted up and looking fine. If you want automatic watering and feeding without having to purchase new systems. easy2GO solves this in minutes.

The easy2GO Kit turns any flat-based garden tray into an AutoPot Watering System. Assemble the kit, connect to any water butt or reservoir, pop your plants in the tray, and you’re free to go. This has been one of our best-selling, core products for years – all because of its beautiful simplicity.

Above: The easy2GO Kit includes AQUAvalve5, a weighted AQUAvalve cover, 9mm pipe, a 16-9mm inline filer for water butts and a 9mm grommet and Golf Filter if using with drilled reservoirs

At the heart of easy2GO is the AQUAvalve; a power-free, self-regulating float valve. The valve meters out a supply of water and/or nutrient solution into the tray. Only once the plants have exhausted that supply will the valve reopen to admit a fresh fill. There is no need for pumps or timers because the AQUAvalve is controlled by plant demand t. Free from any requirements of electricity or running water, easy2GO can be used practically anywhere; in your home, greenhouse, porch or balcony.

Above: easy2GO allows you to leave plants unattended for weeks – making it the ideal solution
to holiday watering and low-maintenance growing

Such simplicity means fewer limitations and, with that, greater versatility. Thus the possibilities with easy2GO are practically endless. Set one up, put your feet up on some faraway beach (be it physical or mental), and dream of your next move. In the spirit of easy2GO, we’ll leave it at that.

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