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Grow Genius Mono-Silicic Acid 40%

Grow-Genius Mono Silicic Acid 40% is the perfect addition to your AutoPot system, offering a pH-neutral formula that’s stable in your reservoir for up to 7 days. Twenty to forty times stronger than leading brands, and ten to twenty times better value, Grow Genius 40% Mono-Silicic Acid is the most concentrated stabilized plant-available silicon on the market. This ultra-fast acting silicon nutrient is scientifically proven to enhance root mass, leaf size, and brix content, leading to stronger, healthier, and bigger plants. It also boosts natural resistance against pathogens and pests, making it essential for any grower looking to optimize their yields.

  • 100ml – makes 880 gallons of solution / 53 gallons foliar spray.
  • 250ml – makes 2,201 gallons of solution / 132 gallons foliar spray.
  • 500ml – makes 4,402 gallons of solution / 264 gallons foliar spray.
  • 1 Liter – makes 8,895 gallons of solution / 528 gallons foliar spray.


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40% mono-silicic acid w/w – The strongest, cleanest, best value plant-available silicon nutrient. 

Grow Genius 40% Mono-Silicic Acid is the most concentrated stabilized plant-available silicon on the market, and an ideal match for your AutoPot System (or any plant in any setting/system). Unlike Silicates which take weeks to convert and absorb, Mono-Silicic Acid (MSA) is 100% bioavailable, providing immediate Silicon benefits to your plants. And unlike every other stabilized mono-silicic product out there, Grow Genius uses revolutionary pH neutral stabilization to deliver MSA without the blockages and headaches that come with using “Silica” products.

Strengthens natural growth and defenses for bigger, healthier plants with increased resistance to:

  • Powdery mildew, Botrytis, Black spot and other fungal pathogens.
  • Thrips, mites, aphids and other biting and piercing pests.
  • Heat stress, water stress and high winds / damage from pruning.
  • Toxicity from heavy metals and other undesirable elements in soil.

Advantages of Grow-Genius Mono Silicic Acid:

  • Enhances overall plant structure and vigor.
  • pH neutral.
  • Stable in reservoir for 7 days.
  • Boosts yield potential while promoting robust, healthy plant growth.
  • Highly concentrated formula for efficient use.
  • Compatible with any nutrient lineup.
  • Strengthens plants’ natural defenses against pests, pathogens, and temperature variations.
  • Environmentally friendly and biodegradable.

Grow Genius Environmental Contribution

  • Increases yield per unit input and reduces the need for fungicides and pesticides.
  • Ultra-concentrated: dramatically reduces shipping weight, volume and packaging.
  • Readily biodegradable: 95 % over 28 days (method: OECD Test Guideline 301F).

Grow Genius Mono-Silicic FAQs

Is Grow Genius Mono-Silicic Reservoir Stable?

Yes! Their biodegradable stabilization progressively releases monosilicic acid over a period of 7 days after first mixing with water. This means the product is stable in an AutoPot Reservoir for up to 7 days!

Is Grow Genius Mono-Silicic pH Neutral? 

Yes, GG mono really is completely pH neutral. The reason Silicon supplements are associated with aggressively high pH is because most of them are based on potassium silicate. GG uses totally different chemistry to other products and so doesn’t have these drawbacks. Add it after nutrients and final adjustment, or before – whatever suits you. NB: if you add GG to R.O water with nothing else you’ll get unreliable pH readings – add it after any soluble nutrients and you’ll see it has no effect on solution pH.

Should I use Grow Genius Mono-Silicic as a Feed and Foliar Spray? 

If you can, do both. Foliar application biases silicon uptake slightly towards leaves, and when applied via irrigation there is a slight bias towards the internals of the plant. So ideally, do both. BUT: One of the unique attributes of mono is the ability to provide plant-wide benefits via foliar application alone. Other forms of silicon only provide system wide protection and faster growth via irrigation. Why? Again, because they have to be turned into mono first before they work….not so with mono. So if you can only irrigate, or only spray: no problem! You’ll still get plant-wide benefits and protection with Grow-Genius.

What do I do if I exceed the recommended dose?

Not recommended…That’s not to say if you make a mistake you’ll automatically damage your plants – we do build in a safety margin with our dosages – but there’s little advantage to be gained from exceeding our recommendations, and you risk overloading your plants. As with any garden product, significant excess dosage risks causing issues: in excess Silicon blocks access to calcium and your plants will wilt and potentially suffer permanent damage.

If you have over-applied GG mono, the best thing to do is flush your substrate through with as much water as is realistic – ideally a few times the container volume. In open soil water thoroughly. If everything is ok after a day or two, it’ll be fine (and it generally is).

How often should I use Grow Genius Mono-Silicic?

Via solution (applied to roots): our biodegradable stabilization progressively releases monosilicic acid over a period of about 7 days after first mixing with water. For this reason, there is no benefit to be obtained by using it or adding to your reservoir / tank more than once per week unless you’re running a recirculating system with Si hungry plants – if you have measured the system Si levels to be exhausted by all means re-apply.

Daily application of solution, for example if you’re running a dripper system, is absolutely fine – beneficial even. In hand watering situations it’s up to you. You can apply once a week or every time you water. More does more, but one application per week will still deliver tangible benefits.

Via Foliar spray (applied to leaves and not roots): If you need to (pest infestation or serious mildew pressure for example), on woody stemmed plants it’s normally safe to apply twice weekly for a period of a few weeks if fast growth is occurring and new leaves are forming. However, do not drench plants, and make sure you’re not allowing significant amounts of foliar solution to drip / run into the substrate as it’s a much higher concentration than the safe rate for roots.

What is the shelf life of Grow Genius Mono-Silicic?

GG mono is completely stable until mixed with water. It does not decompose or lose effectiveness over time, however, we recommend storing GG in a cool place and using it within one year of purchase to ensure your GG mono remains in good condition. Please note however that as any water / humidity ingress will damage the water activated product, we recommend using it within 6 months of opening especially in humid conditions.

Is Grow Genius Mono-Silicic too strong for seedlings? 

Not even too strong for seedlings – for a couple of reasons: First: monosilicic acid isn’t harmful to plants in the concentrations we recommend: any MSA not used turns into harmless trace silicates and the stabilization biodegrades rapidly after use. We recommend the dose we do because it’s optimal for silicon loving plants when applied weekly (most competing brands require more frequent application).

And second: if you know your plants need less – simply use less GG Mono!

Some first Generation 1% strength Mono products claim to be optimized at max concentration: they aren’t: all water based formulations are limited by chemistry to around 4% concentration. That doesn’t mean they aren’t effective: they are: even at 1% strength – but it’s not a reason to pay the same for 1% as you could for a 40% strength product! So in short: there’s no risk to 40% mono: and if you want it weaker: use less, and save even more money!

Also, as Silicon isn’t mobile once laid down in plants as Silica, around a week after you stop using GG Mono there’s nothing active left in your plants or system (except the MSA that’s naturally in there from tap water etc).

Do I need to add Grow Genius Mono-Silicic first?

No need. In fact, adding it last is preferable as it will reduce any foaming in soft / R.O water. The whole “add Silicon first” reflex is due to other Silicon products being based on highly reactive, unstabilized Potassium Silicate which has a very high pH. Because of this it was necessary to add older products to water first, stabilize pH and then proceed to add other nutrients etc. As GG Mono is NOT based on potassium silicate, and is stabilized in the bottle, it is not subject to side reactions and does not cause pH swings – or dropout.

What if I see foaming of bubbles in R.O or soft water?

GG Mono includes a wetting agent for superior foliar performance. This means that (like anything that bubbles) it does generate some foam when mixed in R.O or soft water, especially if strong air pumps are in use. The easiest way to avoid this is to simply add GG after CalMag so that you’re effectively adding it to hard water.

Grow Genius Warnings:​

  • Close the container securely immediately after use: ethanol evaporates quickly!
  • ​Do not allow any water or dirt into the container: GG mono will re-polymerize on contact. Use a pipette or other appropriate measuring equipment to measure out the required dosage.
  • This product contains ethanols (same kind of ethanol as grain alcohol) and silicon. It is 100% safe for plants. It is not meant for direct human contact—so don’t ingest, inhale, or get it in your eyes or on your skin.
  • When spraying as a foliar feed, it’s always good practice to wear a mask, gloves, and proper eye protection, just like you would with any silicon/silica garden product.
  • See product packaging and the MSDS for detailed handling and safety information.

Additional Documentation about Grow Genius and Mono-Silicic Acid:

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 L

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