COUPON CODE: BLACKFRIDAY20% off all products! All Weekend! NOTE: Orders may take longer than normal to ship due to increased volume – Thank you!



Daz Night Owl

Night Owl Seeds / Daz

Daz has been breeding in AutoPot since early 2022 and has been growing some MASSIVE autoflowers with them ever since! He started out with the Auto9XL Tray System and has since branched out to using the XL System, 1Pot System and Tray2Grow Systems throughout his cultivation/breeding process.

Be on the lookout for some Night Owl + AutoPot stickers as we’ve made a few different varieties over the years!



Home of the Deathlah & Bloody Rose pepper, @greatbasinpeppers is a world class Chilihead who has been growing super hot peppers indoors and out with AutoPot for many years! Growing super hots indoors is not an easy task, but with the right combination of pieces, like a gravity powered AutoPot System, it can be quite easy!

Give @greatbasinpeppers a follow on Instagram to follow along on his quest to grow the hottest superhot in the world in AutoPot!

cultivation conversation

Cultivation Conversation

Hosted By @therealgreenmonsta @captainautoflower & @girlgogrow, The Cultivation Conversation is a podcast for your growing lifestyle listening enjoyment! Cultivation Conversation is a show for growers by growers. From seed to harvest and everything in between, they discuss the finer points of growing, and probably some of the blunter points as well. They don’t pull punches and always tell it like it is, which is why we’re such big fans!

Not only are the hosts great people, but they also are huge supporters and users of AutoPot! Check out their social profiles to see what they’ve got growing in AutoPot and subscribe to their podcast and join the conversation!



Bassdropkeys does it all. From grower to musician to producer to content creator, the man works his tail off making great content all over the internet. He’s been growing in AutoPot for a few years creating seed-to-harvest and how-to videos on his Good Eats 420 YouTube channel that currently has over 149,000 subscribers.

You can also find him on Instagram at @bassdropkeysyfnn or @therookiemycologist and on Spotify at Bassdropkeys.



Autopotamus is one of our most prized ambassadors and a master at growing amazing plants with AutoPot.

He is a native of Quebec, Canada, and after a short stint trying to grow at his parent’s house (they weren’t havin’ it!), Canada finally legalized growing in 2018 and Autopotamus gave it another go! Since then, he’s been showcasing his massive autoflowers all over Instagram from the great white north of Canada!

Opening hours are Mon-Fri 10AM-5PM EST